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About ME

Reiki Master | Registered Nurse BScN | MoM



  • Bachelors of Science in Nursing

  • Specialized in Peri-operative/ Operating Room

  • Usui Holy/Fire® Reiki 1 & 2  

  • Usui Holy/Fire® Reiki Master

  • Usui/Holy Fire® Karuna® Reiki Master

  • Reiki Membership Association 

Hi I'm Tracy!

I knew since I was 12 years old that I wanted to help people. I graduated high school at 16 years old with a quest for knowledge in health and how I'm able to help others. After graduating as a Registered Nurse, I then moved to Northern Ontario (in the aboriginal community) where I nursed for a few years. I then moved back home where I upgraded my education and specialized in peri-operative Nursing/ Operating Room. I took a break from nursing when I found my body was getting more and more sick... or burned out.


As a result, my quest to learn more alternative health options began more intensely and I started to learn more about energy healing. Ive always been fascinated in the energies around us and how we are able use it to heal ourselves and others. I found a Reiki  Master who used Reiki on me for 4 months (went weekly sessions) and I was a changed woman. Reiki helped aid me of my health issues immensely. My mind was blown with amazement and I was eager to learn more. I got my Reiki 1& 2 and I started to use Reiki on my myself and family and friends. I felt guided after months of practicing to obtain my Masters. I believe the Higher Divine wanted me to help the world and make it a better place by giving and teaching reiki to others.


I believe every soul has a purpose and the ability to heal themselves if they truly desire and commit to it. I'm here to help you on your path towards healing, self-empowerment, and self-love. My inspiration comes from meditation, God, Angels, higher vibrational energies, nature, books, people, and my quest of never ending continuation of learning.  


More about me! 


 I am part of a multi-generational family lineage of healers from Peru who was gifted from the universe the abilities of being a claircognizant (knowing), clairsentient (feeling), clairaudience (hearing), energy channeller and natural healer.


 I studied biology, microbiology and nursing. I graduated as a Registered Nurse where I worked and lived with the the Aboriginals up in the isolated areas of Northern Canada. I later then specialized in the operating room and in peri-operative nursing. I spent most of my nursing career in peri-operative nursing where I taught patients on post operative instructions and care. My passion is in teaching others not only in health but also spiritually.


I studied and obtained my Usui/Holy Fire® 1 & 2  with the Internationally renowned Reiki Master William Lee Rand who founded and developed the Usui/Tibetan, Holy Fire® Usui and Karuna Reiki® Systems.  I attained my Master Reiki and Karuna® Master with Jules Davis who is part of the ICRT (Licensed Reiki Master Teachers) program of the International Center for Reiki Training.


 My desire and passion has always been learning and helping people and I continue to do this daily.  Improving the quality of my energy is very sacred to me and important in energy healing. I continue to search ways to improve myself to service/heal others around me daily.  I cant wait to meet you and I hope I have the honour in meeting you!


Sending  Love  and  Reiki,
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