What is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. The technique was developed in Japan and is administered by the laying on of hands. It is based on the idea that all living things have a special energy flowing through them called life energy. When your life energy is high, you'll feel strong and confident, be more relaxed and centered and less likely to get sick. When it is low, you'll often feel tired, be more easily affected by stress and less resistant to illness.
Reiki is a Japanese word that comes from two words - Rei and ki. Rei means universal spirit, Higher Power or God. The word ki refers to the life energy that flows through all living things. Therefore, Reiki means life energy that is guided by God. Some also feel this is just another way of saying Holy Spirit.
Treatment Session
A Reiki treatment is a way of increasing your life energy. A practitioner will transmit Reiki to the client through the hands. The hands are lightly placed on or near the body in various positions around the head, shoulders, stomach and feet. Sometimes a practitioner will also treat above the body.
A treatment can feel like a warm glowing radiance that flows through the body. It is a very relaxing experience and some clients report the body feeling heavy as it relaxes and yet the spirit or emotions feeling light at the same time. A treatment will usually release negative feelings or thoughts leaving the client feeling more positive, light hearted and with feelings of well-being.
Healing often takes place and people have reported recovery from minor things like headache, stomachache, bee stings etc., but also major illnesses have been affected with some people recovering from heart disease, cancer, leukemia etc. It is highly recommended that people with major illnesses to have multiple sessions a month to help with symptoms and the healing process. While almost everyone experiences relaxation and improvements of various kinds, healing results cannot be guaranteed. It is recommended that if one has an illness or other medical or psychological condition that in addition to getting Reiki treatments, clients should also consult a licensed physician or other licensed health care professional as Reiki works well in conjunction with all medical or psychological care.
What is Long Distant Reiki?
Distant Reiki sessions work because energy is not limited by distance, time or space. Distance is only a physical limitation, so sessions can be done without clients being physically present. It is advised that when you receive long distant reiki, you lay down somewhere quiet and comfortable. Sessions include the reiki practitioner initiating the reiki session by notifying the client either zoom, phone call, or text....depending on the clients preference. After the session is done, their is a discussion and follow-up plan regarding their tailored session.
Long distant reiki is great for anyone! Most people use long distant reiki when the person is unable to see the practitioner in person due to illness, travelling plans, or location of residence. Its also great for people that are in the hospital (cancer or other ailments). Long distance started to become very popular during the COVID pandemic due to the high restrictions and sickness.
Either long distant or in-person, the energy is just as equally strong and powerful. The decision is based on the individual and their preference.
How Many Treatments Do I need?
If a client has present physical health issues (includes mental illnesses), it is advised that they do multiple sessions a month. A reiki practitioner will discuss with you how many treatments is needed weekly or per month if you do not know. Just like how a person does not lose 10 lbs one time going to the gym, the client should not expect major illnesses to disappear after on session.
If individuals need reiki to dispel spirit attachments and/or negative entities, they are highly advised to do multiple reiki sessions along instructions that are given from the practitioner.
Cost and Affordability
Love Is Reiki developed a Reiki Wellness Plan ® that made it affordable for everyone. It is the only one created in North America to make reiki accessible for all socioeconomic status. Usually reiki sessions cost between $50-$200 per session. With the Reiki Wellness Plan ®, 4 sessions is only $120 cad. This comes out to be $30 per session. 90% of individuals needing reiki sessions need more than 1 session. Most of the time, money is an issue for the client to book multiple sessions, which stops their healing sessions and healing progression. In order for the client to continue their treatment and to achieve their desired goal, without the worry of high costs, Reiki Wellness Plan ® was created. With the Reiki Wellness Plan ® the client chooses either in-person sessions or long distance or a combination of both.
Benefits of Reiki
-Achieve relaxation and inner peace
-Clearing out blockages in the energy systems that cause emotional and physical discomfort
-Accelerate healing process and shorten recovery time
-Raises your vibration
-Helps with depression and addictions
-Cuts unhealthy negative energy cords and negative spirit attachments
-Manage and reduce stress, anxiety, insomnia, and digestive issues
-Boosts immune system and overall health
-Promotes greater spiritual connection and intuitive abilities